
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Today we had lunch with Mauricio's cousins and his nephew Adrian.

adrian normal

I don't think I've ever seen Adrian hold still for me than about 10 seconds, so I was excited when he held still for this photo! He didn't want to smile, though.

The above photo is edited, but still pretty traditional looking. I played around with the photo for a few hours trying different effects and methods of editing. Some of what I tried just look weird, but some of them turned out pretty cool. Which is your favorite?

Basic black & white:
adrian b&w

Sepia / Antique:
adrian sepia

And the last one is a little more extreme. It seems to be a somewhat popular look lately, though I'm not sure I pulled it off correctly!

adrian high exposure 2

I'd love to hear which ones you like and which ones you don't!

| This photo was submitted to B&W Wednesday at The Long Road to China. |
| Click here to see what I’ve submitted in the past. |
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