A Day In My Life

Monday, September 19, 2011

I thought it might be interesting (mostly for myself!) to write down what a typical day is like for me. It's nothing too exciting, but just right for me.

8:00 AM: Wake up and get day started. Shower, hair, make up. Make bed and put away dishes left out to dry overnight.


8:30 AM: "At work." As time permits, I eat breakfast, read blogs, venture outside, etc. Some days it's all work, some days it's all fun. Closer to noon, I try to get lunch started.


12:00 PM: Lunch time! Finish making & serve lunch. Eat with Mauricio who then washes the dishes. :) Lunch is the biggest meal of the day in Bolivia. I almost always cook something hot and we always sit down together to eat. Dinner, on the other hand, tends to be light.

[ pictured left to right: chili powder; green peppers; pasta; grapes; lemon ]

1:00 PM: Siesta. We usually watch the news or I'll read a book or something quiet like that. Some days we have places to go and rush out after lunch. Currently, Monday lunches are spent at the market getting food for the week.


2:00 PM: Back to work. Pretty much the same as the morning. Hopefully I have some time for editing photos or blogging! :)

6:00 PM: Turn off computer and unplug work phone for the day! Woohoo!

The rest of the evening really doesn't follow a consistent routine. It will, at some point, include dinner (something like fruit or soup or smoothies), Bible reading, and a myriad of other things. I'm trying to integrate exercise/jogging into the routine. Some nights I go out with Mauricio, some nights I wash clothes, some nights I bake. Right now Mauricio is in class from 7 to 10 so I'm on my own in the evenings which means lots of reading or "shopping"! (I don't tend to actually "shop", but I like to get out after working from home all day, so I sometimes go to the store and just look!).


That's pretty much a normal day. Saturdays and Sundays are, of course, the exception. Saturdays are the one time when I allow myself to just embrace laziness and sleeping in. :) We usually try to find somewhere to go after lunch, though. And Sundays start early with Church and are usually spent with Mauricio's family.

It's a good life! I rather like it. :)


Disclaimer: I feel the need to periodically state on my blog that Mauricio and I don't live together. We're waiting to get married to actually move in together. We do, however, live in the same building which is marvelous. I have a full apartment and he rents a room downstairs (no kitchen or private bathroom). As an American woman it would be foolish to live completely on my own in Bolivia, so this is a perfect arrangement for us. Several other people rent here as well.
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