Macro Friday: Week 71

Friday, September 30, 2011

Blogging from Bolivia

I had promised myself to never again let an entire week pass without posting anything. To not have anymore back-to-back Macro Friday posts. Clearly, I failed. :)

But, I think I have some pretty good excuses. Like the fact that my throat has been so swollen and raw that I could barely even sip water, much less speak. Fortunately I'm on the mend now. Or that I had out-of-town company staying with me and we probably slept a total of 10 hours over the course of 4 days! (Many photos coming soon!) And I have another excuse, as well. But I'm going to save it awhile longer. It seems that recently, anytime I share exciting news, it promptly falls through. So I'm going to enjoy this one on my own for a bit. Or at least until Monday. :)

Anyway, enough excuses. I'm excited about my macro photo this week. We discovered a gorgeous park last weekend and I had so much fun wandering around with my camera. Sometimes images look better on my camera screen than on the computer, so I held my breath while uploading this one.


I was pleased with the final result though. :) The composition is far from textbook (not that I'd know anything about photography textbooks!), but I just couldn't bring myself to crop out any parts of it. There's something about this shot that just makes me feel satisfied.
Your turn! Have a great weekend, all!

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