The Olden Days

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Sometimes I feel like rather than living in another part of the world, I actually live in another time. Many of the customs here in Bolivia must be similar to the way things were in the “olden days” in the United States or other developed countries. I suppose that’s what makes Bolivia a developing country – the fact that is following in the footsteps of other countries, but still lagging behind.

Allow me to share a few examples of how Bolivia must be similar to the olden days.

We wash our clothes by hand and dry them on the clothesline.

We typically only eat food that originates nearby, often times meat comes from family-owned livestock.

Technology is not the center of the home; areas for conversation and eating are.

Though this is rapidly improving, many women are still never educated and are raised to cook, clean, and have a family.

Smiling for photographs is not typical; after all, life is hard.

Water is not always readily available, and generally not heated. Drinking water is unsanitary and causes illness.

Knowing how to use a computer is not common knowledge and many have never used one at all.

The work day is often from sunup to sundown with a long rest during the middle of the day.

For the most part, I enjoy living this way. In some ways I long for development to improve the lives of Bolivians, and sometimes I miss the conveniences of the United States, but I love the rich culture of Bolivia. When I was little I loved the Laura Ingalls Wilder books and sometimes wished that I had lived in those times. Now that I live in Bolivia, I kind of got that opportunity.

2 comment(s):

Momof3inVA said...

That is so interesting to think about...i love Little House on the Prarie, too...still watch it when it comes on. ;)

Stephanie said...


I've been to BO twice. My brother and his wife have lived there for about 4 years. I loved how simple things were. Like how spending time with family and friends is enough.. without everyone needing to text and things.

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